General Setting

    • Go to App Setting >> General Setting

    • App Status:- You will able to enable/disable the app easily from here.

    • Variant Change Detection :- If you enable this option so customer will able to add specific selected variants to the wishlist.
    • Guest Wishlist:- If you enable this option so customer will able to add the product to wishlist without login to your store.
    • Public Wishlist Count:- If you enable this option then It shows how many times the products are added by all customers.
    • Vendor Name :- You can enable this option to display vendor name in all wishlist page.
    • Share Wishlist:- If you enable this option so it allows your customer to share their wishlist on social media & they will able to create a link which can be shared publicly to see their wishlist items.
    • Wishlist Notification Popup:- If you enable this option, notification will display to add/remove product in popup.
    • Cart Notification Popup :- If you enable this option, the notification popup appears when customer add the product to cart from wishlisted product list.
    • To keep/delete product from wishlist after adding to cart, and to remain on the wishlist page/redirect to cart after adding product to cart, you can manage it from wishlist preferences.

    Integration:- Click on the Customize button for enabling integration with Klaviyo. You need to enable the button, set private API key and click on the save button.

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