Wishlist Engine Dashboard

On Wishlist Engine Dashboard, you will get the following information: -

  • Wishlist Page View:- How many users visit the wishlist page of your store.
  • Total Wishlist:- It shows total number of products added to wishlist.
  • Total Customers in Wishlist:- It shows total number of users who added the product to wishlist.
  • Unique Product in Wishlist:- It shows counting of total unique product added by all customer.
  • Cart from Wishlist:- Total number of wishlist products added to the cart.
  • Order from Wishlist:- Total number of wishlist products for which an order has been placed by the user.

  • It shows a list of the top 10 products which are mostly added by users to their wishlist.

  • It shows the total revenue generated through wishlist products for different time period.

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