How to create custom wishlilst page?

If you want to create a custom page and want to display wishlist page content on any other place of your store then you can use the below HTML code to place on the same place so that entire wishlist page content will start to display on custom place.

<div class="wishlist-page">

<div style="text-align: center">

<svg width="60px" height="60px" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" class="uil-ripple">

<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="none" class="bk"></rect>


<animate attributeName="opacity" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite" begin="-1s" keyTimes="0;0.33;1" values="1;1;0"></animate>

<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="41.2637" stroke="#000" fill="none" stroke-width="6" stroke-linecap="round">

<animate attributeName="r" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite" begin="-1s" keyTimes="0;0.33;1" values="0;22;44"></animate>




<animate attributeName="opacity" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite" begin="0s" keyTimes="0;0.33;1" values="1;1;0"></animate>

<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="24.8458" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="6" stroke-linecap="round">

<animate attributeName="r" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite" begin="0s" keyTimes="0;0.33;1" values="0;22;44"></animate>







var wishlistPageLoad = true;


If you are getting any issue for setting up this then feel free to contact our dedicated support team at so our app team will help you to setup everything properly on your store.

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