How to Hide Payment method?

  • Go to Payment Function tab and click on "Create Payment Function".

  • Select the Hide payment methods option.

  • Add payment function title (It will only display to admin to identify offer) so you can use any title, i.e. Hide XYZ Payment Method so you can easily identify it.

  • Select payment method you wish to hide. There are two options for matching:
  1. Contains: This means that if any word you enter matches with the payment method name, it will be hidden.
  2. Is: You must select the exact name that the payment method contains.
  • If you wish to hide multiple payment methods, click on "Add Payment Method."

  • Create conditions to hide the payment method. The payment method name will be hidden if it complies with the specified conditions/rules.
  • All Conditions: The payment method will be hidden only if all the specified conditions are met.
  • Any Condition: The payment method will be hidden if any one of the specified conditions is met.
  • Add New Rule: You can add multiple rules with different condition in one payment method customization.
  • Once everything has been setup then click on Save button.

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